This is Dixie. Dixie is my 9 year old Yorkie who hates my talking alarm clock. She seems to especially hate it on weekends-- I guess she agrees with me that sleeping in is a g
ood thing on Saturday and Sunday.
My Mom named her Delta Dixie Jo Marshall, the first three names having to do with the show Designing Women. So, in character with the actress, Dixie Carter, my Dixie is a southern diva. And like all southern divas she needs her rest, lots of tasty treats, plenty of pillows, a full coordinating wardrobe, and some attitude. This attitude I speak of is what makes her hate all other animals, because she is not an animal. How dare those vermin sniff her-- especially there! She chases the neighbor's 60 pound dog, and tends to pick fights with cats, even her own cat, Lucy (we got Lucy to keep the other dog company, but Lucy hates him so we say she's Dixie's kitty). They really have cheerleader style fights, though. There's a lot of fussing, swatting in the air, nasty looks, and grudges held.
Dixie is my "head nurse" as my husband says. She has that great doggie sense when something is wrong. She sleeps next to me, or on me, and makes sure that everything is OK. Whether it's migraine headaches, tummy aches, or post-surgery, she is right there with me and ready to make it all better.
So, this is Dixie, doing one of the adorable things she does, which is telling that obnoxious alarm clock just what she thinks (if I can make the video work).
This is a fun site about Yorkie astrology. Dixie is a Pisces.