I've avoided blogs for as long as I have known about them. Maybe it was a fear of exposing too much, or perhaps a fear of seeing too much of others due to their exposure. Wait-- I think it was actually peomophobia. You know, being forced to read every body's really bad poetry on their My Space and Facebook and wherever else they can post it. There's so much of it that even the good poetry in the mix starts to wear on me. I guess I should just be happy that people are exploring their creative sides and trying to appreciate the written arts. See-- I'm already overcoming my fears.
I use the phrase "written arts" to refer to the digital canvas as well as the paper, parchment, stone, wood, or even skin canvases-- whatever medium the artist chooses. We've discussed in Dr.Pace's class how the web is not always viewed as true writing. In Jay David Bolter's book, "Writing Space" there is a lot of discussion as to what a writing space actually is. Is the printed word and bound book the only real form of writing, or can writing actually include cyberspace and solely the human mind? Coming from the view of an artist, I say the artist chooses their medium. Christo uses thousands of yards of fabric (above is his "Running Fence"), Michelangelo used marble, Andy Warhol used screen prints, and many others have used whatever the hell they wanted. The viewers may decide that some particular form of art is not for them, and even consider the form sub-standard. Regardless of opinion, it is still art. Does modern art routinely piss me off? Yes. But it is still art.
As I listen to my husband snoring in his favorite chair, and my Yorkie snoring on the couch, I think I'll finish up and continue to bore you at a later time.
(Image : http://www.christojeanneclaude.net/)
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